ようこそ - Welcome
Welcome to the Grammar Lessons
section of Nihongo o Narau. This section is intended to break Japanese
down into manageable sections starting from the very basics.
These are the Japanese
character versions of the lessons. If your computer cannot
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go here.
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Romanized (romaji) lessons.
1: It's a...
particle か
Lesson 2: Who is
particle は
particle の
Lesson 3: I am Japanese.
nationalities (-じん),
languages (-ご)
Lesson 4: Here and
Lesson 5: Numbers
numbers, counting
Lesson 6: I don't read.
present positive/negative: ~ます, ~ません
action verbs
particle を
Lesson 7: I go to school.
direction verbs
particle に
particle へ
adding general time to sentences
Lesson 8: I didn't eat meat.
past tense: ~ました, ~ません でした, ~でした
~では ありません でした
Lesson 9: I want to drink.
want to form: ~たい
Lesson 10: I study every day.
introduction of school vocabulary
review of adding general times
Lesson 11: Let's go.
let's: ~ましょう
shall we?: ~ましょうか
won't you?: ~ませんか
Lesson 12: It's in the car.
location: ~ に あります, ~ に います
Lesson 13: I came by bus.
by means of
particle で
Lesson 14: It's red.
Lesson 15: She's quiet.
Lesson 16: It's not red.
negative い-adjectives
Lesson 17: It wasn't red.
past form い-adjectives
Lesson 18: It wasn't quiet.
negative and past forms of な-adjectives
Lesson 19: I read at the library.
action at locations
particle で
Lesson 20: I wanted to swim.
negative form of want to: ~たくない
past form of want to : ~たかった
past negative form of want to: ~たくなかった
Lesson 21: I like peaches.
like and dislike sentence forms
modifier あまり
plain negative past form of です: じゃなかった