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of Schools |
Romaji |
school | gakkou |
elementary school | shougakkou |
middle school | chuugaku |
highschool | koukou/koutougakkou |
kindergarten | youchien |
private school | shiritsu gakkou |
technical school | shokugyou gakkou |
evening school | yagaku |
cram school | juku |
university | daigaku |
Items |
Romaji |
eraser | keshigomu |
chalkboard | kokuban |
chalkboard eraser | kokubankeshi |
chalk | chooku |
pencil | enpitsu |
pen | pen |
map | chizu |
book | hon |
bookcase | hondana |
dictionary | jisho |
encyclopedia | hyakkajiten |
ruler | jougi |
school bag | tsuugaku kaban |
paper | kami |
desk | tsukue |
chair | isu |
pencil sharpener | enpitsukezuri |
textbook | kyoukasho |
notebook | choumen |
assignment book | shukudai chou |
homework/assignment | shukudai |
test | shiken |
computer | konpyuutaa |
of a School |
Romaji |
classroom | kyoushitsu |
gym | taiikukan |
hallway | rouka |
lab | jikkenshitsu |
library | toshokan / toshoshitsu |
main office | jimushitsu |
professor's office | kenkyuushitsu |
playground/school yard | koutei |
dorm room | ryou |
bathroom/toilet room | toire |
in School |
Romaji |
student | gakusei/seito |
teacher | kyoushi |
teacher (form of address) | sensei |
principal | kouchou - sensei |
vice principal | kyouto - sensei |
classmate | kyuuyuu |
schoolmate | gakuyuu |
librarian | toshokanin |
janitor | youmuin |
professor | kyouju |
university president | gakuchou |
transfer student | tenkousei |
senior (elder) student | senpai |
first year student | ichinensei |
second year student | ninensei |
third year student | sannensei |
fourth year student | yonensei |
You will notice that many of the school subjects end in gaku. Gaku means "study of" in this case and is similar to the "ology" that is attached to some English subjects. |
Subjects |
Romaji |
accounting | kaikeigaku |
algebra | daisuugaku |
anatomy | kaibougaku |
anthropology | jinruigaku |
archeology | koukogaku |
architecture | kenchikugaku |
art | bijutsu |
astronomy | tenmongaku |
biology | seibutsugaku |
botany | shokubutsugaku |
calculus | bisekibungaku |
chemistry | kagaku |
economics | keizai |
engineering | kougaku |
foreign language | gaikokugo |
geography | chiri |
geology |
chishitsugaku |
geometry | kikagaku |
history | rekishi |
law |
hougaku |
literature | bungaku |
math | suugaku |
medicine | igaku |
music | ongaku |
philosophy | tetsugaku |
physics | butsurigaku |
psychology | seirigaku |
science | kagaku |
sociology | shakaigaku |
statistics | toukeigaku |
trigonometry | sankakuhou |
zoology | doubutsugaku |
School Vocab |
Romaji |
major (area of study) | senkou |
to graduate | sotsugyou suru |
Golden Week | goruden uiku |
winter vacation | fuyu yasumi |
summer vacation | natsu yasumi |